New Memories, Old Trends

You know that saying about absence making the heart grow fonder? Well that’s pretty much my connection with the outdoors. I was born and raised in Queens so I quickly learned to cherish my family’s excursions to scenic areas like our timeshare at the Shawnee Inn near the Poconos. Swimming in the Delaware River was…

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A Vow to Imagine

I’m sure it’s no surprise that most of our business comes from weddings. Romantic music performed live as two souls celebrate their union makes sense. Unfortunately, “romantic music” isn’t very tangible or objective. It can’t be seen, smelled, tasted, touched, or even heard. The songs that one couple considers to be romantic will be different…

iPhoneagraphy, Gotham and…Veend! (“wind” with a frozen German accent)

The clearest of skies and blinding sunlight tell a misleading tale. This was our first official photo shoot as a duo and it was quite an experience. Our photographer, Vitus Feldmann, was a German fellow who only takes photos with iPhones and iPads. On the other hand, my bass player is a part time techy…